Tuesday, January 30, 2007

“Let’s Have a Show" from Sally Ziegler

Among her many gifts my dear friend Mary had a sense of occasion that was amazing. A routine staff birthday party at Grace Church was made special by her adding a nosegay of flowers or by choosing the honoree's favorite flavor. But it was in her work with children that Mary’s sense of the festive made itself most evident in the joy she gave to young children. Every child In the Sunday School received a birthday card from Miss Mary and every one included a coupon for a cone at the best ice cream store in town.

Mary and I worked together for nine years at Grace & St. Stepehn's in Colrado where I serve as a deacon and was always grateful for Mary's intent to study to be ordained as a deacon, too.

On Palm Sunday there were donkeys for the children to pat and ride if they were brave (and small) enough, bringing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to life in the concrete thoughts of the little ones. ( We won’t dwell on the year when one of the jennies died in childbirth the night before). There was the wonderful but stressful year when Mary wanted to make the hymn about a green blade springing come to life. She and her own children blew out dozens of eggs so she could spend hours planting half-shells with grass seed that needed to be watered and tended for weeks so each child in the Sunday School received one of these little jewels on Easter morning. My grandchildren who are half Jewish treasured these gifts from Mary for weeks after Easter was past.

One of her best “shows” was the butterfly release on the day of Pentecost which also marked the graduation of Sunday School children into middle school and Youth Group. Only Mary could have found a source for dormant -- or at least passive -- butterflies that arrived in tiny cellophane envelopes to be sent soaring into the blue Colorado sky signifying the new life ahead for the young people. In spite of the year that most of them froze in transit Mary's sense of occasion and her joy in the children’s growth remain important memories for many here in Colorado Springs.

My personal “best of show” was in December, 2005, in Children’s Chapel. Mary and I shared the responsibility for this weekly worship service for children ages 3-6. Every Sunday morning was an adventure that gave new meaning to to the phrase “herding cats”. But on the third Sunday in December Mary added her own unique gift to me and to the children. In celebration of my 70th birthday she had each of the children come up to me in front of the altar and give me a beautiful Peace rose and a hug. This gift of friendship and of love will always live in my heart and symbolize to me Mary’s amazing gift of joy in the moment.

January 29, 2007 7:43 PM

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