Saturday, January 20, 2007

Kit and Lynne

Lynne and Kit, November 2006, (I took this picture with my cell phone!) when Kit dropped me off at the Denver airport after I spent a weekend with Kit and family -- laughing, talking politics with Miles, listening to Maddie play the harp, more laughing, showing each other fun websites on the computer, sitting around laughing at the antics of the two dogs, Annie and Finn, having an incredible day at the Rocky Mountain Women's Film Festival, visiting with Kit's mom Nancy and stepdad Ferd, more laughing, eating dinner at the restaurant where Emily works, talking about plans and problems and redecorating and children and politics and religion. And more laughing. I remember sitting in her car that weekend as we talked about how lucky we had both been as far as husbands and children. We sat in the car and laughed and laughed when I told her a joke I used to say to my late father-in-law, who was a geneticist. I used to say -- look at us, we're just two regular-looking people, but we made such incredibly beautiful children! It's a genetic miracle! And he would agree that yes, it had to be a genetic miracle! My heart hurts so much to think that she is gone. But, she is not really gone. I know that she is with God. And she's probably saying: "Lynne, you idiot! It's OK!" And I know that she is OK. It's just that I will miss her so much. And I have just discovered that the "click" pad on my laptop will not work when it is wet with tears...clearly time to stop typing and distract myself with a book.

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